Persons interested about employment opportunities with C. Allen Mullins Architect should send a resume and/or portfolio. We respond best to concise, well-organized resumes, with examples of your design work attached. We prefer cover letters that are short and to the point. If you send an electronic document via e-mail or a link to a web site, please make sure it can be opened and printed from either Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat programs. Please be conscious of file size and make sure that it is easy for us to review your submission. If you send disks-they will not be returned.
We will send you a response letter confirming receipt and indicating whether or not we would like to meet with you. Interviews typically last about half an hour. It is critical we see examples of your design abilities and working documents (if applicable), please pre-select those examples that you feel best describe you and your abilities.
Current Positions at Office 606
Architectural Staff [6-10 years experience]
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Architectural Internship
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