Our Services
With a talanted staff and an association with many professional consultants, CAM architect offers a wide range of services including:
architectural design,
project management,
facility programming,
master planning,
interior design,
feasibility studies,
site analysis services,
3D modeling,
architectural model making,
artists renderings,
and many more.
Schematic Design Phase
Functional space diagrams and other schematic drawings to scale including plan, elevations, sections and three dimensional illustrations are designed to a client's program in this phase. A statement of probable cost will be developed at the end of each design phase.
The general scope and conceptual design of a project, the scale and relationships among the proposed building components are established in this stage. The primary objective is to arrive at a clearly defined, feasible concept and to present it in a form that will result in client understanding and acceptance. To achieve this objective, the architect must understand and verify the project program, explore alternative solutions, and provide a reasonable basis for analyzing the cost of the project. Deliverables at the end of schematic design may include a conceptual site plan, preliminary building plans with elevations and sections, perspective sketches, study models, electronic visualizations, and a statistical summary of the design and other characteristics in comparison to the program requirements. The final step in this phase is to obtain client approval, preferably in writing.
Design Development Phase
This phase involves further refinement and finalization of design plans, the initiation of all architectural plans and other technical plans. Code review, outline specifications and a revised statement of probable cost will be developed during this phase as well.
In this phase, the services are to achieve the refinement and coordination necessary for a polished work of architecture. Here decisions made in schematic design are worked out at a more detailed level to minimize the possibility of major modifications being needed during the development of construction contract documents. In design development the design team works out a clear, coordinated description of all aspects of the design, including architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems. Similar to schematic design, but more detailed. Included are drawings and specifications, an updated probable cost, and if required, the preparation of estimated schedules for construction. Client approval is the basis for subsequent work. The approved documents provide the basis for the construction documents phase.
Contract Document Phase
The Construction or Contract Document Phase is the coordination of all technical drawings and designs related to the project, the development of the specifications documents, finalization of details, and an updated statement of probable cost. This phase encompasses the preparation of drawings and specifications that set forth the detailed requirements for the construction of a building project. They provide a graphic and written documentation for bidding and execution of construction services.
Bidding and Negotiations Phase
In this phase, the project is put out to contractors for bid. After receiving all bids, further negotiation will occur with the selected contractor to ensure that the fairest price and process are established before a formal contract is awarded. Contact with a contractor may be desirable during the previous phases and may even result in an agreeable negotiated price.
Contract Administration Phase
All parties meet regularly to monitor construction progress, clarify decisions, and resolve discrepancies related to design interpretation and construction methods.During construction administration phase, the architect can manage and limit project risks by facilitating project communications and maintaining project records. The architect may be able to identify and correct problems in time to eliminate or minimize negative impact on construction costs. This phase includes shop drawing and applications for payment review and approval.
Design-Build - The owner signs a contract for both design and project construction services. The architect oversees construction as well as design. The benefits are a single point responsibility for design and construction. In this case a partnership arrangement would be developed with a familiar contractor.
Programming - Programming is the thorough and systematic evaluation of the interrelated values, goals, facts and needs of a client or organization, facility users, and the surrounding community. A program will clarify project goals and design issues, provide a rational basis for design decision-making and ensure that the project reflects the client's values. Project goals are determined as well as constraints.
Master Planning - The development of a graphic plan, supported with written documentation, which depicts all the elements of an existing venture or proposed project or scheme.
Interior Space Planning and Design - Building owners or tenants seeking space planning or interior design and furniture placement and selection
Feasibility Studies - A detailed investigation and analysis conducted to determine the financial, economic, technical, or other insight of a proposed project.
Survey of Existing Conditions - Measure and document existing structures and facilities by means of photographs and drawings.
Site Analysis/ Building Layout - This process involves the evaluation of an existing or potential site in relation to the client's program, zoning and other covenants, environmental impact, impacts on the community and adjacent properties, project budget, and schedule. A well-executed site analysis forms the essential foundation for a cost-effective, environmentally sensitive, and rational approach to project development.
Detail Cost Estimate - During design development and construction document phase of basic services the client may contract for a more detailed cost estimate. This estimate would attempt to price every part of the project before placing the project out for bids or before arriving at a negotiated price.
As Built Drawings - Post construction record drawings reflect in detail exactly as the project was build for maintenance purposes and future modifications.